Twinkles Weekly: April 19, 2017

Simon and Tony are still working on some Run 3 fixes complicated by the fact that Cori will be down for the next couple of days. An additional 5M “NERSC hours” were approved for the NERSC allocation and should be enough to finish DC1. We started to think about what we will want to present at the Stony Brook Collaboration meeting and results from difference imaging is one of our main goals but we also assigned ourselves some brainstorming to get a better idea of what else would be good.

Run 3 Progress

What’s the latest?

Simon was going to push a change and Tony was going to try rerun the 100 per band but randomizing the visits.

Also note: Cori is going down today until the 21st.

Update on NERSC Allocation?

2017 started with 14M “NERSC hours” (One “NERSC hour” = 24 minutes on Cori-Haswell). With DC1 running we were in danger of running out of allocation so an emergency request resulted in an additional 5M. Current quota is 19M of which we have used ~13.9M. The full DC1 (pass I and pass II) is expected to require ~22M.

** LATE BREAKING NEWS** Richard reports DOE has granted an additional 5M hours, bringing our allocation for this year to 24M NERSC hours.

LSST DESC Notes Updates

Any progress on these over the last week?

Nothing to report.

Early Thoughts on Stony Brook Collaboration Meeting

Phil wanted to bring up that Chris Walter wants DC1 Data Generation complete by May 31 so that we can present results at Stony Brook. What do we want to have on hand to present (posters, etc.)?


To do: Think about what plots we would like to see so that we can focus on making those for presentations/posters.