Twinkles Weekly: March 29, 2017

Cori is still having a lot of outages at NERSC (most of them scheduled), but Tom reported on some promising news from a short window when demand was low: the DC1 PhoSim Deep image simulation jobs were able to be executed pretty efficiently, which bodes well. Tony reported that we are now over halfway through the `processEimage` phase of the Level 2 processing - coadd creation and image differencing will follow this. We then turned to our DESC Note setup, making a Note from scratch live on the call, so that people see how to use `start_paper`.

Twinkles 2 Organization

We’ll go ahead with our plan following no dissent on Slack! The Twinkles team leader position remains open.

Run 3 Level 2 Processing Update

News from NERSC? Several shutdowns over the last week or two. Recovery capability from shutdown seems to be under development. Part of this is on us: we rely on some cron jobs, which may go down with the hardware. Other problems include: lack of login, disappearance of file system. Tom thinks that we are helping them somewhat in identifying necessary recovery steps, which is cool.

Some success on Monday before outage: DESC CI managed to get hold of 170 cores, to make 1700 simultaneous DC1 PhoSim jobs. Unusual situation, in window right before scheduled shutdown… but our ability to scale up PhoSim was demonstrated.

Tony reported that 13000 out of 21000 processEimage jobs are now complete, which is great. He will keep pushing on these; the next step will be coadd creation and then image differencing. Simon suggested doing some tests on a small multi-filter subset while we wait, Tony will produce one.

Research Notes Update

Phil has been swamped, and still has not set up branches with `start_paper` notes in them. We made the Pserv note live, so that everyone could see how to make their own.