Twinkles Weekly: February 8, 2017

We’re getting ready for next week’s DESC meeting, preparing slides and planning hacks. The Run 3 process is in the queue behind DC1 PhoSim Deep, so we discussed various workarounds.

Collaboration Meeting Session Prep

We discussed our slide decks: no gaps have been identified so far, but we will flag them up in the #twinkles Slack channel as we find them.

DM processing

We need weekly 3 or later including twinkles hacks -- Scott will make an updated twinkles release today and then we need Heather to install it at NERSC.

Tony is prioritizing DC1 PhoSim Deep processing before the meeting, but will try and run the new Twinkles cookbook recipe on the year 5 visit images before the Meeting as well, so that Simon has something to look at. This may slip to being done at the meeting itself.

Hack Day Plans

Simon and Michael: DIAObject forced photometry

Rahul: Start looking at formalism for dealing with host properties and SNe: Monitor upgrade, to pull out hosts as well as SNe. Needs test data repo from Simon (which has Objects with cmodel galaxy measurements)

Bryce and Phil: Lensed quasar light curves, pulling DIASources out for each lens

DIAObject(s). Needs test data repo from Simon (which has DIAObjects with DIASources).

Tony and Simon: Diagnosis of NERSC Run 3 processing