Twinkles Weekly: August 4, 2016

We’re about to start writing up our R&D work as a set of “LSST DESC Notes”, which should help both with a) defining the scope of Twinkles 1 and 2 prior to the fall’s Run 3 data generation, and b) experimenting with easily written and cited published units that make everyone’s contribution to a large project clear. Meanwhile, Tom Glanzman has been exercising phoSim v3.5.2, looking into phoSim checkpointing, and investigating running at NERSC.

LSST DESC Notes on Run 1-2 R&D Work

In #284 Phil suggested we write 11(!) “LSST DESC Notes” on our Twinkles work so far. (The proposed Publication Policy refers to “research notes”, and Chris Walter needs something to cite in his DC1 PhoSim Deep requirements document.) We will discuss this bold plan for making sure everyone is correctly accredited for their hard work. Here’s what it could look like in practice!

Rahul wondered whether ipython notebook-format DESC Notes could be useful for outsiders to try to run the code themselves. At the moment it’s up to the Note author to make sure that all code/environment requirements are specified, in a `requirements.txt` or `environment.yml` file.

We discussed a sensible deadline for the first Twinkles notes as the end of August - authors can start before the Tucson meeting, regoup and discuss there, and then finish off by the ened of the month. The thought is that these Notes should be useful in defining the Run 3 plan, for the final Twinkles 1 data generation run.

In the issue thread, Chris Walter commented that the set of proposed Twinkles notes might be more conveniently aggregated into a single document: we’ll keep this in mind as we author multiple, smaller notes, which should allow more accurate accreditation of our efforts. We will also be in touch with Jonathan Sick from the LSST Project who will likely have some suggestions about how we could combine multiple notes into one easily printed and consumed document.

PhoSim 3.5.2, Running at NERSC, Checkpointing etc

Tom reported on his recent adventures!

phoSim v3.5.2 vs v3.4.2 execution time test:


Running at NERSC (cori phase II):

Retreat Plans

Phil reported on the difficulty of setting up an off-site retreat paid for with Task Force money - it’s much easier to define a workshop at SLAC or on Stanford campus, and have people stay nearby rather than in a remote location. While we could do that, there is also the possibility that we meet before and then at the CMU Hack Week instead. We’ll look at the November dates and see if there’s a good way of doing that.

LSST Project and Community Meeting, Tucson, August 15-19

A few of us will be going to Tucson, and we hope to meet up and working together.

Twinkles needs to be presentable in the Event Broker breakouts (Wednesday): if we work on emulating the Level 1 processing and analysis as part of Twinkles 2 next year, this could be a useful dataset for helping Event Broker development. We’ll find out more in Tucson, but we need the repo/website needs to be approachable with this in mind, so we can stand up and point people to it.

Meanwhile, there will be a competing breakout on GalSim development, which should be interesting for us.

Twinkles Weeklies

Heather has put together a system for producing Twinkles Weeklies from our meeting notes, and then link them from the Twinkles web site at

Heather is hoping to automate the weekly summary production process a bit further. In the meantime, our workflow consists of having someone (Phil) indicate that the minutes for that week are “ready”. Then someone (Heather) follows the steps outlined here.